Monday, December 17, 2007

Minneapolis Staging Yard Finished!

The last finishing touches - the east throat occupancy detectors - on the Minneapolis staging yard are finally done! Now it's on to installing the base for Thermopolis, finishing the backdrop for Glenrock, and adding fascia to the Glenrock benchwork (in front of the west part of Minneapolis staging). After that will come some real scenery!


Anonymous said...


Nice blog. Did you have to do something to your rolling stock to get your IRDOT sensor to trigger? My experience is that you need to paint a white patch or stick something shiny to the underside of the locomotive/car to get the IR detector to trigger.

Mark B. said...


Thanks for the nice words!
I didn't have to do anything to the rolling stock. In fact, the detectors are so sensitive that they detect the subroadbed four inches above the yard! I had to glue sandpaper to the bottom of the upper subroadbed wherever it crossed over a detector to avoid a constant "occupied" indication (the sandpaper scatters the beam)!